Technology in Utah  

News related to the growth of technology-centric ecosystems in the State of Utah

David Fletcher's Government & Technology Weblog
State of Utah

Utah .Net User Group Blogs

Phil Windley
T. Jacobi
John Gotze

An article on CNN reviews Utah's new spyware law and asks if it can be successful. The article, written by the Univ. of Washington's Anita Ramasastry builds on Ben Edelman's treatise on the subject.

Ramasastry has written some excellent articles on government technology issues, including this one on MATRIX, although I do not necessarily share the same concerns.

  posted by David @ 8:16 AM

Saturday, June 05, 2004  

Enterprise architecture is being championed in today's world by state governments in the United States. In conjunction with FEAPMO at the federal level and a few advanced nations, U.S. states have breathed life into the discipline and produced a wide variety of published material on the topic. In addition to the Chief Information Security Officer, the Enterprise Architect is probably the most prominent enterprise level position to follow on the heels of the CIO as new positions within the discipline of information technology at the state level. In Utah, we now have both - officially or de facto.

The EA momentum is being heavily supported by the state CIOs, in addition to NASCIO.

  posted by David @ 11:41 PM

Friday, June 04, 2004  
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